Roof Installation: A Typical Timeline

Knowing how a typical roof replacement goes can help you anticipate potential problems, as well as keep your project on track. In this blog, the local roofers at JJ Quality Roofing share an overview of a typical roof replacement process, from beginning to end.

Roof Installation: A Typical TimelineBefore Installation

Roof replacement doesn’t begin after you sign the contract. A period of about two to three weeks will be needed to prepare for roof installation. Materials will need to be ordered from the manufacturer and delivered to your home. This part of the process is usually faster with manufacturer-certified contractors, as everything that will be needed for the installation will be sourced straight from the factory. During this time, one or two dumpsters will be delivered to your home, which will be used to haul discarded roofing. Your roofing contractor will help you plan how to clear your yard and/or garage.

Roof Installation: First Day

Some of the things you should anticipate with roof replacement are the noise, dust and debris. While an average roof replacement takes less than a week to finish, you will not want to stay at home during this time. The noise can be particularly disturbing to small children and pets. Book a room at a nearby hotel for the duration of the project, or have your children stay at relatives. Pets can be rehomed at your trusted local kennel, or get in touch with organizations such as The International Boarding & Pet Services Association (IBPSA).

You also need to think about protecting your property before installation begins. Move as much furniture as you can to a secure location, such as a locked garage or a temporary self-storage space. Cover those that you can’t move with dust covers. Ask your roofing contractor if protection for the landscaping will be provided, and procure tarp if not.

Last Day of Roof Installation

Barring inclement weather, your roof replacement should proceed promptly on installation day. Your roof will undergo a thorough quality inspection after completion. You will also be given a tour and/or final quality inspection if you wish to do so. Your yard will be swept for nails and debris, using magnets, high-powered vacuum cleaners, and other cleaning tools. Your indoor spaces will likewise be cleaned.

A Few Days After

The dumpster that contains the discarded roofing materials will be collected the next day. A representative from your roofing contractor will be sent to review the installation work, collect a final payment, and complete warranty registration. A short customer satisfaction survey may also be conducted.

JJ Quality Roofing is your leading provider of roof repair and installation services. Give us a call at (561) 932-4181 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.